Sunday, November 30, 2008

Not A Great Deal to Report

... really and truly. Which was fine, considering Friday's mayhem. We spent a very quiet weekend, picking up a couple of our goats from the breeder's place, and doing some general cleaning and scutwork around the house in a fairly nasty snow.

I had a long talk with a college roommate, who's a successful former lawyer in San Antonio. His mom died, left them some property, which he sold last summer for enough to retire. At least, he thought he'd retire. Instead, he's dusting off his law books and thinking about doing some teaching, since his portfolio isn't doing so well. And we talked about growing up on ranches. He was talking to his son about butchering pigs.

"Nobody does that stuff anymore," his son said.

"You may have to, sooner rather than later," my friend said.

The encouraging thing -- or not, it depends -- was that his son just shrugged.

"Yeah, I guess so."

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